A large format ASP8024 Heritage Edition console is the centrepiece of the brand new, purpose built Rosewood Studios which opened this week. Supplemented by a full rack of top end mic preamps, a broad selection of outboard gear and a packed mic cupboard, the 24-channel British console also features Dual Layer Control (DLC) allowing seamless integration with DAW.
“The new aesthetic really makes you feel like you’re working on a vintage console, except with the delightful twist that all the buttons work properly!!

Owner, Edward Scull explains, “I wanted to create a space that focuses solely on the musician and the music itself.” Acoustically designed by Level Acoustic Design and installed by Studio Creations, the setup comprises a modern control room and a large, five metre high live room. “Our mantra is to create an optimum space for creativity to flourish. As soon as you walk through the door the outside world stops, there are no distractions, a nod to the studios we had back in the day,” continues Edward.

That old-school vibe continues right through to the look of the new Audient desk, according to head engineer, Sebastian Truman. “The new aesthetic really makes you feel like you’re working on a vintage console, except with the delightful twist that all the buttons work properly!! It’s amazing how much of an affect the visual aspect can have on the overall feel of your workflow.”
With the vintage look comes some surprising modern extras, as Sebastian explains: “I really love the additions to the master bus section. The Retro Iron adds wonderful depth to the sound that I would otherwise have to achieve with some transformer-imitating plugins, and the bus compressor with the Bass Expand option really allows you to shape your overall mix exactly how you want it. Initially I would just use it when tracking, to very quickly get your monitor mix sounding polished without having to reach for external outboard, however I’m amazed how often this has stayed on for the final mix. There’s something about the character that is very pleasant, especially for drum-heavy music.”

“As soon as you walk through the door the outside world stops, there are no distractions, a nod to the studios we had back in the day”
Back to Edward, who dreams big when it comes to his new space. “My studio and vision is centred on having the best sounding live room possible that also feels great to be in. The benefits of this are two-fold – obviously to get a great sounding recording, but even more so that the musicians will respond to being in a good acoustic space, allowing them to achieve their best possible performance. There’s nothing less inspiring than recording in a completely dead booth!”
“There’s something about the character that is very pleasant, especially for drum-heavy music.”
Surrounded by beautiful countryside, the studio is only a stone’s throw away from London and housed alongside Edward’s percussion hire company which features a full and extensive collection of drums and percussion. The live room also houses a beautiful 115 year old Weber grand piano.

Edward and Sebastian also co-produce together, and between them, their broad skill-set and highly spec’d kit, Rosewood offers a wide range of services that can accommodate needs above and beyond, from dry studio hire to a comprehensive service.